The Problem of Prions' Location in the Area of Borderland of Life
The status of prions' attachment to the biotic or abiotic sphere is not established. In consideration of structure prions are infections proteins – in case of animals and human being – constructs from the specifically protein calls PrPc, which PrPSc form is a prion. The prions were indicating also at fungi ([PSI] and [URE]) and yeast ([het-s]). There are big probability occurrences of prions at some another organisms, too.
According to cybernetic approach to the life organism, prions positively fulfil conditions: semi-opennesness (half-openness), complexity, hierarchicalness and structure. There are formulates some of doubts about possibility of fulfils by prion conditions of program and cybernetic system. In addition the phenomenon of self-multiplication of prion has not unequivocally estimation.
In the formulation of Tibor Gánti's life system, prion positively realises some requirements: coherent whole, coherent stability, control, and mortality. In my opinion prions negative fulfils condition: metabolism and phenomenon of adjustment. We also not observe at prions: system, which takes information, phenomenon of growth, reproduction, and heredity of changes and evolution. Final inference: it is a lack today some of precise conclusions about biotic or abiotic nature of prions.
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