The concept of reference system (réferéntiel) in Ferdinand Gonseth's epistemology
The article is made up of six parts: (the introduction), (a) the notion of reference system, (b) the role of reference system in the knowledge process, (c) the réferéntiel as the system of reference, (d) the strategy of openness of reference system, (e) final considerations.
For Ferdinand Gonseth, a reference system is a set of prerequisites without which such or other systematic activity cannot take place. The reference system can be offered as a framework in which this activity will take place. Reference system is the framework of knowledge against which we judge and locate people, things and events. This framework has been acquired through culture, education or individual experience. The frame of reference is neither completely objective nor entirely subjective. It is a mixture in which objects and things of this world tend to agree. A change of frame of reference may be accompanied by progress in the objectivity of judgments and in the correctness of conduct.
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