Phillip E. Johnson's Criticism of Naturalism in Natural Science
For hundreds of years the theory of creationism according to which people were created purposely by omnipotent and omniscient God caring for his creatures were the primary and fundamental idea of Western civilization.
According to the contemporary scientific view all creatures appeared on earth as a result of purposeless process of random mutations and natural selection. Only Nature exists, and if we are going to say the same about God, we deny at the same time that He influences the way the world goes in any way. According to Johnson it is this metaphysical naturalism and not the empirical data, that is the main tenet of Darwinism. Johnson claims that that the incompatibility of the naturalistic and biblical stories is fundamental and there is no possibility of any compromise between them.
Naturalistic methodology of science limits the kinds of explanation of the world that can be regarded as acceptable. But according to Johnson the lack of any serious alternative methodology is very disadvantageous for contemporary science, which should search for truth and not just for the best naturalistic explanations of the phenomena.
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