Naturalistic Attempts to Defend Scientific Realism
The article is dealing with the problem of scientific realism and its defense in the contemporary philosophy of science. Of the main interest for the analysis are naturalistic attempts proposed recently by Richard Boyd and Stathis Psillos. After having introduced the notion of abduction and the inference to the best explanation Boyd's and Psillos's naturalistic argument is presented and analyzed. The analysis tries to show how this argument works in the broader context of the naturalistic epistemology and the naturalistic semantics. The relationship of this argument with the reliable-process theory of justifiedness, proposed by Alvin I. Goldman, and with the causal theory of reference is presented. In the light of these presentations, as well as those of Larry Laudan and Hilary Putnam, the limits of the naturalistic approach to the problem of scientific realism is discussed, the main objections being those of the empirical inadequacy of the premisses of the argument, and the limitations of the pure causal approach to the epistemology.
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