Ontological Assumptions of the Correspondence Conception of Truth

  • Jacek Wojtysiak John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: truth, correspondence, ontology, deflationism, rationality, Aristotle, Tarski


Philosophers are mainly focused on the epistemological concept of truth. However, if we want to maintain this concept in the classical version (correspondence one) we have to assume at least some minimal ontology (metaphysics), and hence some ontological (metaphysical) concept of truth. Items I. and II. are an attempt at explicating this ontology in the context of Aristotle’s and Tarski’s conceptions, and item IV. is (in discussion with P. Horwich and D. Lewis) taking an attitude towards contemporary challenges that deflationism brings to them. It seems that today one may defend the correspondence conception of truth and its ontological assumptions, that boil down to stating a certain form of the world’s “rationality”.


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