God’s Action in the World as It Is Presented in Process Philosophy
The article exhibits the problem of God’s action in the world as it is presented in process philosophy. Whitehead conceived actuality as heterogenical category within which we can distinguish two modes: actuality of being and actuality of becoming. The second one is the actuality in primary sense; there is ontological primacy of becoming over being. Being is, according to J.L. Nobo’s interpretation, a product of becoming and not vice versa. Actuality of being depends on being-for-becoming. Actuality of becoming depends on prehending being into subjective immediacy of internal process of concrescence. Because of subjective character of becoming, an entity which is still becoming, cannot be prehended. It means that entity cannot play any role in becoming of other entities. Only entity whose process of concrescence has completed, entity which is in fact being, can play such a role. If God is a main exemplification of becoming, as primary actual, He is imprehensible. He cannot be objectified and His actuality is only actuality of subjective arrested immediacy. He cannot influence the world. Many process philosophers tried to solve the dillema. One of them is Lewis S. Ford whose proposal depends on introducing the third mode of actuality: the future creativity. But Ford does not consider basis of that temporal paradigm of actuality and doesn’t examine its justification. So what we need is a reconstruction of Whitehead’s philosophy which will let us check his ontological, epistemological and methodological presuppositions and asses whether the temporal paradigm is justified, whether the God-world problem really arises and whether it is possible to solve it in terms of process theory of actuality.
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