Nonlocality and Biocoherence
In a series of quantum experiments performed in 1935-1986 a validity of the quantum theory has been tested. The results obtained have changed the viewpoints of physicists and philosophers on the nature of the Universe and physical reality. In particular, they have changed the traditional West view on the relationship between micro- and macro-level, between a part and the wholeness and between the system and its constituents. From the distinguishing quantum experiments a brief description of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, the Bell’s inequality and the Aspect-Dalibard-Roger experiment is made. The results obtained are important for the concept of the bioplasmatic transfer of information in the living systems, developed by Włodzimierz Sedlak. According to the Sedlak’s idea, the bioplasma is a local concept, so it does not take into account the possibility of a faster then light signaling. Because in the living systems the long-range quantum correlations should appear, the concept of bioplasma should be generalized to include the non-local quantum effects. As a consequence – such a dynamic quantum system as bioplasma has to be non-local – all its elements are connected because of quantum correlations, regardless of the distance between them. A model of the biocoherence for the systems described by the Gompertz function is presented. In this approach, the Gompertz function is a solution of the space-like (tachyonic) Horodecki-Feinberg equation with the time-analog of the Morse potential function. It is shown that Gompertzian systems evolve coherently and non-locally in the space. The presented model admits a continuous and instantaneous transfer of “influences” between micro-level represented by the single cell and the macro-level represented by the biosystem (tissue, organ, organism) as a whole. A consequence is the integration of organism and its coherent development on all levels of the bio-existence.
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