Logicians and Logic on Study of Nature
Starting from the 1930s logicians tackled problems connected with applicability of logic in natural sciences and in many cases they tried to practically apply logic in these sciences.
In the article entitled ‘Logicians and logic on study of nature’ it is stressed that the broadly understood formal logic supplies natural sciences, and especially physics, with a paradigm for a method of ordering theses. It is also shown what application of logic laws to natural sciences consists in, and theses are formulated concerning what the laws of classical propositional calculus state. A lot of attention is devoted to the language of modern and contemporary physics. Modern and contemporary physics uses two languages, i.e. the mathematical language and the so-called notional language. The logic of the former language is classical logical calculus. In connection with the notional language logicians construed a lot of systems of non-classical logics in which laws are given that govern the correct use of non-extensional operators connected with such terms occurring in natural sciences as “time”, “cause”, “change” etc. The language of well construed systems of non-classical logics may serve saving, storing and precise communicating the results obtained on the ground of natural sciences.
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