Between Philosophical History of Philosophy and History of Culture. From the Considerations of the Method of History of Philosophy in Poland
The subject of the article is a discussion of methodology of history of philosophy in Poland. In particular, the value of the inspiring role of the intellectual history in practicing history of philosophy understood as the history of philosophical culture is defended. To do this, on the one hand S. Swieżawski’s theory of philosophical historiography is referred to Swieżawski, following É. Gilson, postulated the idea of philosophically understood history of philosophy in the form of analyses of philosophical problems, significant for practicing philosophy understood systematically. However, on the other hand it has been noticed that in Swieżawski’s theory and research practice elements of history of philosophical culture can be noticed, among others those formulated and practiced by the so-called Warsaw school of historians of the idea. Considering the methodology of history of philosophy in Poland the school pointed to the significance of the history of the Polish philosophical culture. It concentrated not so much on original and influential works in the history of philosophy, as on the abounding philosophical literature. And it is this literature that without claiming epoch-making originality, is often a testimony to a reliable philosophical method; and also it has been an inspiration for the national culture.
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