Advaitavedānta – the view of Maṇḍana

  • Paweł Sajdek John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: Indian philosophy, advaitavedānta, vyākarana, Maṇḍana Miśra


In the past centuries Maṇḍana Miśra was regarded as the most prominent figure of the advaita school of philosophy, to the extent that the whole system of advaita was frequently described by his name as ‘maṇḍana-matam’ (‘the view of Maṇḍana’). Nowadays advaita is almost exclusively associated, if not identified, with the name of Maṇḍana’s contemporary Śaṅkara. Both thinkers philosophizing along advaita lines, their views on the ultimate being, the highest bliss, ignorance etc. were substantially different. The present paper is intended as a bird’s eye view on the whole of Maṇḍana’s legacy, including his Sphoṭasiddhi, being his contribution to the grammatical tradition of Bhartṛhari. It is also aimed at finding the reason why in the hierarchy of eminent advaita thinkers Maṇḍana was eventually supplanted by Śaṅkara and his œuvre unacknowledged.

Author Biography

Paweł Sajdek, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy

Dr Paweł Sajdek – Chair of History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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