The Development of Medicine and the Level of Health Consciousness in the 17th Century
The end of the 17th century is characterized by the existence of a marked discrepancy (or disproportion) between the growing level of medical knowledge, medical teaching and therapeutic methods on the one hand, and the state of knowledge concerning the relation between hygiene and health both on the level of individuals and the population on the other. The development of medicine as a science in connection with the development of biological sciences and clinical methods make it possible to understand the relation between hygiene, prevention and the state of health. This process became apparent in the 19th century, which is when the state of knowledge and the level of technical advancement made it possible to implement a number of pro-health solutions on the level of individuals and the whole society. It is in this context that this article discusses the precursory character of G.W. Leibniz’s postulates concerning the teaching of medicine and the organization of health service. It also demonstrates—based on the hygienic recommendations formulated by Jean-Baptiste de la Salle—that Leibniz’s postulates could not be fulfilled in 19th-century society.
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