Freedom in Ludwig von Mises’s Thought (1881-1973)

  • Jan Kłos The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: action; freedom; negative freedom; liberalism; praxeology; state


Ludwig von Mises is the main representative of the so-called Austrian School of Economics, an author of the monumental work Human Action. He was in favour of laissez-faireism in economics, that is, the free market, individual freedom and limited state. This text is an attempt at a synthetic approach to Mises’s understanding of freedom.

The Austrian economist underlines the importance of free social actions and natural bonds that inspire people to act. Such actions are much more effective than initiatives inspired and controlled by the state. Mises stresses the importance of negative freedom, therefore political liberty, for social development. The state is important, but in limited spheres—in defense and justice. Outside these spheres the self-governing society is considerably more effective.


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