About the Sense Perceptions and the Adventitious Ideas in Descartes’s Philosophy
The article presents Descartes’ views on connection between sensible perceptions and adventitious ideas. The author of Meditations worked on this issue for many years and conceived it from different perspectives, therefore the author of the article tries to compare its various depictions presented in his most important works. The analysis is held according to the chronology of works’ origin and this is why the author begins it from physical works, trough metaphysical and concerning human anatomy, to finish with psychological writings. Such a perspective allows presenting how Descartes’ approach to the issue developed from naturalistic to immanent standpoint. And at the same time it enables to indicate that there is irremovable dilemma in his philosophy between described by him physical extensive world and content of mind. And at the same time it enables to indicate the dilemma of his philosophy: the existence of the irremovable gap between physical extensive world and the contents of human mind.
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