On the Main Dilemmas of the Philosophy of Creativity: A Synthetic View of the Contemporary Research
Contemporary philosophical studies on creativity of humans are not narrowed only to the descriptions of the geniuses’ lifes and to the aesthetical analyses of the original artifacts. With the modern extension of the creatio concept (which is now often understood as an universal ability of all men to create), the enlargement of the possible studies to be done in the field od philosophy of creativity have appeared also. At the same time—the new dilemmas to solve have come out.
In the present article I show the diversity of contemporary research on the creativity phenomenon by (1) delineating the main opposition voices in this research and by (2) describing some of the leading trends in the field. There will be raised such problematic issues as: elitism vs. egalitarianism of creativity, the place of consciousness and rationality in the creative processes, the nature of the scientific creativity, the intercultural perspective in the research, naturalizing the phenomenon and also the possible functions of the imagination and pretend play in shaping the creative abilities of humans.
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