The Ordering and Guidance of the Sacred Liturgy under the Principles of Magnum principium. Commentary to can. 838 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law
Liturgy is a particular space of contact between theology and law. Despite of the fact that certain people are of the opinion that it should be limited only to a purely mystical dimension, as it is perceived as a special kind of prayer, its form is in fact precisely defined by the standards of church law. Critical assessment of the 1983 Code of Canon Law must also take into account the objective statement that not every precept defined and contained therein accurately reflects the sensus Ecclesiae of the founders and participants of the Second Vatican Council. This is the case with can. 838 of the Code of Canon Law. The standards relating to adaptation and accommodation contained therein and defining the principles of cooperation between the Holy See and local conferences of bishops, required agreement with the provisions already adopted as part of the deliberations of the Second Vatican Council. Therefore, by virtue of the apostolic letter of the motu proprio Magnum principium, the Pope made appropriate changes that made the cooperation of the Holy See and the Conference of Bishops even more efficient and more fruitful in the service of the faithful. Moreover, thanks to this amendment, the liturgical prayer is to be more adapted to the understanding of people.
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