Ustanowienie stosunków dyplomatycznych między odrodzoną Rzeczpospolitą Polską a Stolicą Apostolską

  • Stanisław Wilk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Benedict XV; Ratti, Kakowski; Piłsudski; Wierusz-Kowalski; papal inspector; nuncio; representative; diplomatic contacts


Establishing of diplomatic contacts between the Second Polish Republic and the See of Rome

The process of establishing diplomatic contacts between the Second Polish Republic and the See of Rome is a testimony to the efforts of the metropolitan bishop and the member of the Regency Council archbishop Aleksander Kakowski concerning the arrival of the See’s diplomatic representative to the Kingdom of Poland. The representative was hoped to help the Polish bishops in rebuilding shattered church organization and religious life of the congregation. In reply to the Polish bishops’ plea of 25 May 1918, Pope Benedict XV nominated the prefect of the Vatican Library prelate Achilles Ratti as an inspector in the Warsaw metropolis, whose jurisdiction was soon expanded to former Russian territories. Despite the fact that the inspector’s visit was of religious character, after Poland’s regaining of independence Ratti was in contact with Polish state authorities. He facilitated the See of Rome’s recognition of Poland and on 6 June 1919 Benedict XV nominated him a papal nuncio in Poland. Józef Piłsudski, the marshal of Poland, was handed the nomination letters on 19 July 1919.
