“The Shipment” from Klimontów to Russia in 1904. An Episode from the History of Klimontów Dominican Monastery

  • Eugeniusz Niebelski John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Prof. emeritus
Keywords: 19th century, Tzar’s secularization of monasteries, monastery book collection, plundering of national goods, publication of documents, Klimontów, Petersburg


The text describes the story of secularization of the library in the Dominican monastery in Klimontów (recognized as a permanent monastery during 1864 secularization) in the Sandomierz region after the death of the last friar in 1901 and the takeover of the most valuable books by Petersburg Public Library. The text contains copies of the documentation (in Russian) illustrating the legal details of the process, including the titles of the book and the shipment of the most valuable items to Petersburg. It also presents the institutions partaking in the process: Russian (including Foreign Affairs Ministry) and Polish, like Sandomierz Bishop’s Consistory and the mayor of Klimontów, who shipped the books via mail to Petersburg. According to the appended documents, two books were sent to Petersburg; the shipment of others was stopped by the revolution of 1905 in Russia and the Kingdom of Poland. Probably the rest of the Dominican books from the Klimontów collection were transferred to the Sandomierz Seminary.


Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Centralne Władze Wyznaniowe, syg. 0233.

Rosijskij gosudarstwiennyj istoriczeskij archiw w Petersburgu, fond 821, opis‘ 125, dieło 3018.

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Wikipedia: „Biblioteka Załuskich”.
