Polonia w Orle Białym współcześnie. Analiza przeprowadzonych badań

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Zdzisław Malczewski


The review that has been done shows the contemporary Polish ethnical group in Águia Branca as a very active and lively one. All the replies are valuable and they shed light on this special Polish community, so alienated and geographically distant from Polish centers situated in southern Brazil. The youngest respondent was 20 years old, and the oldest one – 89. In the replies given by the representatives of the Polish community it can be seen how highly the Polish ethnic group in Águia Branca values the presence and services of Polish priests belonging to the Societas Christi pro Emigrantibus Polonis among the descendants of our immigrants, as well as for the whole local Catholic community. The community pays the same attention to the existence and diverse activities of the Polish Home.

The review shows clearly that owing to the services of the Polish priests and to the work of the Polish Home the values, traditions and customs left by Polish settlers in Águia Branca, still seen and experienced by the Polish community, will be able to survive and develop for a long time. In this way the beautiful mosaic formed by the presence of races, cultures and nations in the state of Espírito Santo, by the presence of people who are Indian, Portuguese, African, Dutch, German, Pomeranian, Swiss, Italian descendants, also includes the descendants of Poles who contributed to the extensive development of this beautiful and wealthy state of the Brazilian Federation.

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