Przyczynek do dziejów Polskiego Prawosławnego Duszpasterstwa Cywilnego na emigracji w czasie II wojny światowej

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Antoni Mironowicz


The history of the Orthodox civilian pastorate of the World War II period is not well known. For this reason each new source has a considerable value for researchers. One of such sources are publications by the Orthodox pastorate issued abroad and designed for Polish citizens of this denomination. One of the most important editors was Rev. Michał Bożerianow. As a Poleska Diocese priest he was exiled, together with other priests, to the Asian part of the USSR. After the evacuation of General Anders' army he undertook organizing a pastorate for civilians. He also did not forget about establishing publications designed for those circles: „Prawosławny modlitewnik” („The Orthodox Prayer Book”), magazines „Ziarno Prawosławne” („The Orthodox Seed”) or „Promyk Prawosławnego” („The Orthodox's Ray”), or numerous leaflets containing the catechesis. He died on 20 August 1944 in Tanger. He is a perfect example of a priest, one of the many, who remained faithful to their vocation.

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