Stan badań nad Kaszubami kanadyjskimi i uwagi o źródłach

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Władysław Szulist


The above article concerns the archives of the parish offices of the Canadian Kashoubia, some records from Gdarisk and Lipusz as well as the notes of T. French of Toronto. There is mention of the manuscript work of H. Pieprzycki, who greatly drew upon the resources of the parish archives in Wilno. There is also mention of the scholarly journal of E. C. Shalla.

Three of the parishes studied, Wilno, Barry's Bay, and Round Lake Centre were documented in albums and folders.

Among the Polish authors who have dealt with this problem are Z. Komorowski, J. Kucharska, E. Breza, K. Ickiewicz, and W. Szulist. In the near future there will be printed an album in English on the Kashoubs of the Madawaska highland under the editorship of A. Zurakowska.

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