Kursy języka polskiego i kultury polskiej dla studentów zagranicznych w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim 1974-1987

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Andrzej Jaroszyński


The present article outlines the history, distinctive features and aims of the two programmes of studies for foreign students run at the Catholic University of Lublin; the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture, established 1974, and the Intensive Course in Polish Language and Culture, established 1976. Both institutions are intended for young people, mainly of Polish origin, and aim to familiarize students with the heritage and culture of Poland and to improve their knowledge of the Polish language through a special programme of studies. The following features are emphasized as specific for the courses: teaching Polishness in the context of Christian milieu, independent curricula, and individual and flexible methods of teaching. Plans for future developments are also included. Diagrams, tables and a list of publications accompany this most comprehensive so far presentation of the two institutions.

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