Kościół wobec młodzieży emigracyjnej

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Józef Bakalarz


In the contemporary phenomenon of emigration the youth takes part most often. There are certain objective e. g. economic, ideological and cultural reasons for this emigrant expansion. Those reasons, however, are often connected with some subjective motives. Emigration always has a moral dimension and causes various threats, but it also offers a great chance in young people’s life.

The Church makes every effort to get to know various crises and problems which young emigrants have to cope with. It is interested mainly in family, social, moral, and cultural life problems. The Church points to social tasks towards the emigrant youth. It demands in particular a complete and bicultural education of the young emigrants, a respect for their subjectivity, and making it possible for the young people to take an active part in social life.

Within the framework of its own mission the Church underlies a need for regeneration of the hitherto pastoral care. The regenerated pastoral care is to be focused on evangelization of the emigration world in the countries of emigration and imigration. It is necessary in the present pastoral activity to subjectivize the majority of the faithful, and especially of the youth, and also to use various forms and pastoral methods.

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