Stowarzyszenie Techników Polskich w Kanadzie 1941-1984

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Jan A. Zaremba


The author presents the inception and development of the activity of the Association of Polish Engineers in Canada in the years 1941-1984. Its genesis is connected with the employment of the group of Polish engineers by Canadian industry during the Second World War. Originally, the aim of the Association was „to unite all technical specialists in Canada in the work on bringing war to a victorious end and on the rebuilding of the homeland” (Statutes). The Association changed its aim after the war. From then on it has been organizing a proper employment for engineers Poles, it cooperated with related Polish and Canadian organizations and aided to the Polish engineers who came to Canada.

In the years 1948-1955 the Association brought to Canada 370 Polish engineers from different countries, especially from those countries which were under military regimes. In the 60s and 70s the Association numbered circa 500 members and after 1980 over 900. In the beginning of the 80s the Association organized a number of informative courses for the engineers coming from Poland. Those courses lasted a couple of weeks (they were held in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver). They were very much appreciated.

The Association in the course of the past 40 years carried out a cultural activity, published its own bulletin, cooperated with the Polish pastoral care, and took part in organizing help for Poland. An important part in the activity of the Association plays its cooperation with Canadian society. The activity and range of the Association increased considerably in the 80s in connection with the great influx of engineers to Canada from Poland.

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