Problemy małżeństw polsko-duńskich

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Władysław Zdunek


The number of Poles in Danemark in the 80s was estimated at 10-15 thousand. The author analyses the problems of contemporary Polish-Danish intermarriages, but in order to make comparison, he characterizes also the intermarriages of the former Polish immigration to Danemark. The number of intermarriages in Danemark is estimated at 200-300, which constitutes 10-15% of all Polish families there. The majority of them have the following type: a Polish woman-a Dane.

The analysis of the problem of Polish-Danish intermarriages emphasizes their instable character, which results in serious consequences especially for the Poles. This instability is occassioned by two principle causes: untypical motives to marry (departure from the country of origin, settlement possibilities in Danemark, material interest etc.), and relatively great cultural, denominational, language, and often educational differences. The author presents also regularities in the behaviour of children of intermarriages. Generally speaking, these regularities bear witness to the total domination of Danish influence.

The most recent Polish migration often shows great religious immaturity, as the Poles discard religious and moral principles proclaimed by the Catholic Church. There is a lot of things, which point to the fact that children of intermarriages will be lost for the Church. The author concludes that the young generation has to be prepared already in their country to face the problems connected with migration and intermarriages.

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