Polityka rządu Stanów Zjednoczonych wobec grup etnicznych

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Carl A. Bastiani


The author presents a historical outline of American policy toward ethnic groups starting with G. Washington up till the present times. It occurs that the United States has never had a formal immigrant policy nor government institutions dealing with the above problems. The author states, however, that the American policy is rooted in the rights of the individual. It is a policy of „laissez-faire” allowing ethnic groups or rather individuals of ethnic groups to assemble and preserve their cultures and identities. The ethnic groups may receive federal or local money for their ethnic programmes. Besides, they are permitted to develop the programmes of bilingual education. Presently, there are over 70 different languages taught in bilingual schools throughout the States. Ethnic groups will certainly remain among the interest groups in American Society which determine the policies and destiny of the United States.

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