Z problemów ludnościowych polskiej parafii Najśw. Serca Jezusowego w New Britain, Conn. (1895-1920)

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Bolesław Kumor


The paper has been prepared on the basis of parish registers in the parish oLthe Holy Heart of Jesus in New Britain, Conn. The registers kept since 1909 proved to be very valuable for the study. On the basis of those registers the material concerning the number of Polish population in/New Britain, Conn. (table 1), the number of children in the families (table 2, 3) and the number of adults (table 4) has been gathered. The registers of marriages helped to compute the number of Polish married couples (table 5) and to find out the places of origin in Poland of the spouses (table 6) as well as to define the marring seasons (table 7). On the basis of registers of births and baptisms the number and sex of babies have been calculated (table 8) as well as the c^iild-bearing seasons (table 10), twin births, illegitimate births and also baptisms of adults (table 11). On the basis of the register bf deaths, preserved since 1912, the number and age of the dead and also the birth-rate of the Polish population in New Britain, Conn. (table 13) have been computed.

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