Materiały źródłowe do dziejów Polonii francuskiej w Archiwum Parafii Polskiej w Paryżu

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Stanisław Litak


The Archives of the Polish Parish in Paris contain source materials covering the period beginning with the second half of the XIXth cent., and ending with the 1960’s. This also includes the extensive, until now unknown, inter-war files of the Polish „Association of Agricultural Workers in France”, as well as, the files of „Caritas”. These documents and other numerous materials are from the inter- -war period, the period of W. W. II, as well as, the post-war period. Besides the above-mentioned files of the „Association of Agricultural Workers”, the collection within the archives is mainly concerned with the religious life and the moral and material situation of the Polish immigrants. Most interesting are documents relating to the period of W. W. II, as well as, to immediate post-war years. Particularly valuable is correspondence, especially that which relates to search for relatives, jobs, or material help. Equally important are also files of „Caritas” (documents and a personal file of people who received aid). Also should be mentioned the files of the Provident Youth Fund, affiliated with the Polish Catholic Mission in Paris, a fund which granted scholarships to Polish students studying at French universities. In general, the Archives are relatively valuable. The materials found there relate not only to the religious life of the Paris Polonia, but to its whole life. The archives contain information relating to mass intentions, school records, as well as, baptismal and wedding records. These materials can be extremely valuable to research relating to the French Polonia, especially that segment residing in Paris.

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