The Activity of the W.R.S.-N.C.W.C. American Catholic Social and Charity Organization During the War and Post-War Period

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Roman Nir


Działalność Amerykańskiej Katolickiej Organizacji w czasie wojny i w okresie powojennym

Celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie ogólnego zarysu działalności Amerykańskiej Katolickiej Organizacji Charytatywnej i Społecznej – War Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, a także jej wybranych aspektów w niektórych krajach podczas drugiej wojny światowej i kolejnych lat. Ma on zachęcić innych badaczy do podjęcia dalszych badań na ten temat.

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Proudfoot M.J., European Refugees: 1939-1952. A Study in Forced Population-Movement, Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press 1956.
Fassmann H., Munz R., European East-West Migration, 1945-1992, “International Migration Review” Center for Migration Studies Vol. 28, Fall 1994, no. 3.
Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann A., The Mobilization of American Polonia for the Cause of the Displaced Persons, “Polish American Studies” Vol. 58, Spring 2001, no. 1.
Swanstrom E.E., Displaced Persons- A Challenge to American Generosity, War Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, New York 1945.
Swanstron E.E., The Displaced Persons-A Challenge, [in:] Displaced Persons. Whose Responsibility? New York: American Press 1946.
The DP Story, The Final Report of the United States Displaced Persons Commission, Washington 1952, pp. 266-278.
McGregor M., O’Boyle, Patrick Aloysius (1896-1987), [in:] M. Glazer, T.J. Shelley (ed.), The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History, Collegeville, Minnesota, 1997.
Przyjaciel Polski – Arcybiskupem Washingtonie (P.A. O’Boyle) [Friend of Poland, Archbishop of Washington (P.A. O’Boyle)], “Inter-Catholic Press Agency, Inc.” Vol. 3, 1948, no. 15, p. 7.
An Annual Report of the Director: United Nations Relief and Works Agency, General Assembly, XIII Session Suppl 14/A/3686, United Nations, New York, 1957, p. 12-13; J. Vernant, The Refugee in the Post-War World, United Nations, Geneva 1951, p. 23-30.
Nir R., Materiały archiwalne Sekcji Polskiej War Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference w Orchard Lake i Londynie, [in:] Materiały XXI Sesji Stałej Konferencji Muzeów, Archiwów i Bibliotek Polskich na Zachodzie 23-26 września 1999 [Archives of the Polish Section of the War Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference in Orchard Lake and London, [in:] Materials from the XXI Section of the Conference on Polish Museums, Archives and Libraries in the East Sept 23-26, 1999], Rzym–Kraków 1999.
Nir R., Katolickie duszpasterstwo polskie w Palestynie w latach 1940-1946 [Catholic Ministries in Poland and Palestie in the Years 1940-1946], „Rocznik Archiwum Polonii” Vol. 1, 2003.
Archiwum ks. Biskupa Alojzego Wycisło w Green Bay, stan Wisconsin USA [Archives of Fr. Bishop Alojsius Wyciesło in Green Bay, Wisconsin USA] [AAW]
AAW, sign. 101, pp. 1-3, War Relief Services-N.C.W.C.
AAW, sign. 102, p. 3-4.
AAW, sign. 104, The Displaced Persons; ACRSB, The Displaced Persons, the author has no signature.
AAW, sign. 105; ACUA, sign. 500, Immigration Bureau/Department 1922-1966.
AAW, sign. 107, The Placement and Integration of Refugees in the U.S.A.
AAW, sign. 110, The Role of Catholic Relief Services-N.C.W.C., pp. 10-15.
AAW, sign. 111, pp. 8-11; ARN, sign. 105, Ogólnokrajowa Katolicka Konferencja Życia Wiejskiego N.C.W.C. [The N.C.W.C.’s National Catholic Conference on Country Life], pp. 8-10.
AAW, sign. 112, pp. 9-11; ARN, sign. 106, Problem uchodźców i jego znaczenie dla Kościoła katolickiego w Stanach Zjednoczonych [The Refugee Problem and its Significance for the Catholic Church in the United States], pp. 10-11.
AAW, sign. 113, p. 12; ARN, sign. 107, p. 11; ACUA, sign. 506, The National Conference of Catholic Charities, p. 11-14.
AAW, sign. 116, Egypt, p. 3-5.
AAW, sign. 119, p. 1-5.
AAW, sign. 121, Palestyna WRS-NCWC. Pomoc medyczna [The WRS-NCWC in Palestine. Medical Help], p. 6.
AAW, sign. 122, p. 69-73; ARN, sign. 115, p. 4-7.
AAW, sign. 132, Iran, Iraq, p. 4-5.
AAW, sign. 137, Turkey, p. 2-5.
Fr. R. Nir’s Archives [ARN]
Korespondencja autora z ks. bpem A. Wycisło z lat 1995-2000, Archiwum ks. Romana Nira [Author’s correspondence with Bishop A. Wycisło 1995-2000, Fr. Roman Nir’s Archives]. Further abbreviated ARN, sign. 100.
Wycisło Aloysius J., The Catholic Resettlement Story 1947-1957, World Refugees and Catholic Resettlement in the United States, Catholic Relief Services National Catholic Welfare Conference, maszynopis.
ARN, sign. 102, First Executive Director Archbishop of Washington Patrick Aloysius O’Boyle, 1948, p. 1-2.
ARN, sign. 104, Report to the Board of Trustees, Catholic Relief Services-N.C.W.C. 1946-1947, New York 1947, p. 5-10.
ARN, sign. 108, Ogólnokrajowa Konferencja Dobroczynności Katolickiej N.C.W.C. [National Conference of Catholic Charity], pp. 11-14.
ARN, sign. 110, Sekcja Polska War Relief Services-NCWC oraz działalność na Środkowym Wschodzie [Polish Section of the War Relief Services NCWC and its Activities in the Middle East], pp. 1-9.
ARN, sign. 112, Liban, pp. 3-4.
ARN, sign. 120, p. 8.
ARN, sign. 125, Turcja, pp. 8-9.
Archives of Catholic Relief Services [ACRSB]
Catholic Relief Services, United States Catholic Conference, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, no signature.
ACRSB, Catholic Relief Services, no signature.
Archiwum Catholic University of America [ACUA]
ACUA, sign. 489, Minutes of Meeting of Administrative Board, National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, D.C., November 12, 1940, pp. 10-14.
Department of Archives, Manuscripts, and Museum Collections: National Catholic Welfare Conference/United States Catholic Conference Collection Description. General Description Records 1919-1995.
ACUA, sign. 502, War Relief Services-N.C.W.C., A Story of War Relief Around the World, Brochure, New York 1946, pp. 1-2.
ACUA, sign. 503, The National Catholic Rural Life Conference-N.C.W.C., pp. 8-11.
ACUA, sign. 504, The Displaced Persons Problem and its Implications for the Catholic Church in the United States, pp. 10-11.
ACUA, sign. 505, The Need for a Coordinated Catholic Effort in the United States, p. 11.
ACUA, sign. 510, The Refugees in the Middle East, pp. 10-20; AAW, sign. 114, pp. 14-16; ARN, sign. 110, Uchodźcy na Środkowym Wschodzie [Refugees in the Middle East], pp. 2-3.
ACUA, sign. 511, War Relief Services-National Catholic Welfare Conference, Polish Projects, p. 49.
ACUA, sign. 512, Egypt, pp. 8-10.
ACUA, sign. 513, Lebanon, pp. 7-10; J. Vernant, The Refugee in the Post-War, United Nations, Geneva 1951, p. 257.
ACUA, sign. 516, Palestine, pp. 1-2; AAW, sign. 120, Palestine, pp. 3-4; ARN, sign. 113, Palestyna, pp. 6-7.
ACUA, sign. 520, Palestine, pp. 3-5.
ACUA, sign. 521, War Relief Services-NCWC, Palestine, pp. 10-13.
ACUA, sign. 530, Iran-Iraq, pp. 3-4.
ACUA, sign. 530, Turkey, pp. 7-9.
Archive of the Institute of History and the Polonia Archives in Chicago
APOL, sign. 105, pp. 4-5; APOL, sign. 106, Palestyna. Świetlice WRS-NCWC [Palestine. WRS-NCWC Club Rooms], p. 6.
N.C.W.C. Report to Board of Trustees War Relief Services-N.C.W.C. October 1, 1948 to September 30, 1949, Washington, D.C., pp. 6-17.
NCWC Annual Report Department of Social Action. Administrative Board, Washington, D.C. 1949, p. 30; ACUA, sign. 507.
NCWC Thirteenth Annual Report October 1, 1948 to September 30, 1949, The Catholic Committee for Refugees (Including Refugee Children). Administrative Board, Washington D.C. 1949, p. 62.