Divine Mercy College. A Polish Secondary Boarding School for Boys Near Henley-On-Thames in 1954–1986

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Andrzej Suchcitz


This article presents the history of Divine Mercy College at Fawley Court, England, a secondary boarding school for boys founded in 1953 on the initiative of Rev. Józef Jarzębowski, which continued the tradition of schools established by Polish refugees and World War II veterans. The main idea of this establishment was to promote a sense of Polishness and Catholic values, while providing students with a solid education. Over its 32-year history, the school has educated more than a thousand pupils, and can boast distinguished alumni for the UK.

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Author Biography

Andrzej Suchcitz, Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (PISM), London, UK

Dr hab. Andrzej Suchcitz – Keeper of Archives (Director) of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (PISM) and the Polish Underground Movement Study Trust (SPP) in London, UK.


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