“Because Homeland, my Compatriots, is a Moral Union...”. The Patriotic Threads in the Collection My jesteśmy czasem. Kazania i homilie by Rev Stanisław Jeż

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Agnieszka Pokryszka-Prażmo
Sławomir Zych


This article is devoted to the manifestations of patriotism in the teachings (homilies, sermons, occasional speeches in the years 1986-1994) of Rev Stanisław Jeż, protonotary apostolic, who for 30 years (from 1985 to 2015) had been the rector of the Polish Catholic Mission in France. His teachings were collected in the publication entitled My jesteśmy czasem. Kazania i homilie [We are the time. Sermons and homilies], published in Paris in 1995 by the Polish Catholic Mission in France. The article focuses on the manifestations of love for the Homeland and compatriots and concern for them in the sermons of Rev S. Jeż. While discussing the diversity of these manifestations, the article focuses on presenting the ways of “smuggling” patriotic thoughts in his sermons through: the use of historical events important for Poland and Poles, celebrating anniversaries and jubilees, reference to current events in Homeland, celebrating significant events for the Polish community abroad (jubilees of service, anniversaries of important institutions), reference to the life and teaching of the Holy Father John Paul II, recalling the models of life of Polish saints, recalling the characters and the words of eminent Poles, quoting excerpts from the works of outstanding Polish artists, voicing concern for the preservation of Polish culture and tradition in emigration, solidarity and the community of emigrants.

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Klechta J., Z Nowego Sącza przez busz do Paryża. W służbie Bogu i człowiekowi, Paryż: Polska Misja Katolicka we Francji 2003.
Patriotyzm, [hasło w:] Władysław Kopaliński, Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych z almanachem, cz. II, Warszawa 2017, s. 62.