„Regulations for Polish Chaplains” in France – Circumstances of the Uprising

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Michał Kłakus


After the end of World War I, a new wave of Polish economic emigration in France began. By 1921, over 45 thousand Polish had settled in this country. In 1922, the church authorities reorganized the Polish Mission in Paris, giving it the character of a delegation of the Polish Primate. The basic document containing the norms according to which the pastoral care of the Polish immigrants should be organized (the way of administering the sacraments, the organization of catechization, holding funerals, keeping parish books), as well as the issues concerning the material security of Polish chaplains (residence, fees and collections among the faithful for the purposes of pastoral care) was established in 1925 „Regulations for Polish Chaplains” in France. The document also sought to regulate attitudes towards local bishops and French pastors (reports, sacrifices to dioceses and parishes, hours of use of the local church). It was in charge of its editorial office, responsible for the organisation of the pastoral care of foreigners in Paris Emmanuel Chaptal. Although in its original version of December 1924 it took into account the proposals made by Polish priests working in France, the final shape was influenced by the amendments made by the bishops of Arras and Cambrai.

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