Norwid’s expanding cosmos

  • Paweł Tański Institute of Polish Literature, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Keywords: Norwid; Norwid’s reception; poetry of the 20th century; contemporary poetry; Mieczysław Jastrun; Rafał Wojaczek; Tadeusz Różewicz; Joanna Mueller; anthropology of literature


The article discusses Anita Jarzyna’s book “Pójście za Norwidem”(w polskiej poezji współczesnej), published in Lublin in 2013. It is a diligent work, showing good philological skills of its author andexpanding our knowledge about lyric poetry. The study was created under the direction of an outstanding expert in Polish poetry, Prof. Piotr Śliwiński, as an MA thesis, defended in 2008. The publication is very important, although erratic, but it is attributable to the researcher’s little experience at that time. Of course, the author of the review knows the subsequent works of Anita Jarzyna, which, according to the reviewer, prove that we are dealing with a great commentator of Polish poetry.


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