About Norwid’s search of the poem form (translated by Tadeusz Karłowicz)

  • Wojciech Kudyba Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Keywords: Norwid’s narrative poems; The Wedding; The Land; Szczesna; Epimenides; The Traveling Magician; Emil of Gozdawie; A Dorio ad Phrygium; Assunta


Magdalena Woźniewska-Działak’s treatise (Poematy narracyjne Cypriana Norwida. Konteksty literackokulturalne, estetyka, myśl [Narrative poems by Cyprian Norwid. Literary-cultural contexts, esthetics, thought] (Kraków 2014) is devoted to Norwid’s narrative poems. The author justly demands that we pay our attention especially to those poems that are rather signals than fulfillments of the author’s dreams about a full form of the poem. The work refers to the good traditions of the Catholic University of Lublin “school of interpretation of Norwid”, and also is open to new research tools taken from cultural studies. Owing to the efforts made by the Warsaw researcher, the small poems by the author of Assunta get a new splendor and encourage one to read them. Under her pen nearly all of them reveal existential, moral and metaphysical senses anew. The book returns them to our awareness. Well written, the book is likely to find its way to a broad mass of readers of Norwid’s works.


Norwid C. Pisma wszystkie. T. I-XI. Zebrał, tekst ustalił, wstępem i uwagami krytycznymi opatrzył J.W. Gomulicki. Warszawa 1971-1976.

Woźniewska-Działak M. Poematy narracyjne Cypriana Norwida. Konteksty literacko-kulturalne, estetyka, myśl. Kraków 2014.
