Glosses to the family history
In the article documents are published that are connected with the history of Cyprian Norwid’s distant and close family. The author reconstructs the fate of the poet’s uncle, Tomasz Dybowski, then she follows the meanders of his marriage – a misalliance with a poor singer, and she gives information about the family of Klara Dybowska nee Zamecka. The marriage certificate makes it possible to reconstruct Norwid’s probable bonds with the Warsaw actors’ circle. Another motif is concerned with Norwid’s sister-in-law and aunt. The 1862 certificate of marriage of Ksawery Norwid and Zofia nee Sobieska, first married name Komierowska, gives more precision to several facts, among others, makes it possible to correct the date on the poet’s letter of 8th December of that year.
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