Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
The author in the presented article shows that the meaning of the human resources management has increased dramatically in recent years. It follows that human resources are valuable means to improve productivity. Investing in human being is just as important as investing in research and development. The article is divided into five parts.
At the beginning the author describes the nature and the functions of the management which is assurance of a good position in the market and skilful use of human potential. In the second part there are the meaning and the aims of the human resources management indicated. The term ’human resources management’ constitutes interdisciplinary field. One of the main aim of this kind of management is to create the conditions for the teamwork. The author analyses the means of the human resources management indicating three models of the personnel policy: ‘sieve’s model’, ‘basket’s model’ and ‘mixed model’. The next part concerns the development phases of the human resources management functions in the XX century. The author enumerates the operative, tactical and strategic phase. Finally, there is value of the human resources management presented. The value is a certain benefit.
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