Zarządzanie wartością dla odwiedzających w sanktuarium Kościoła katolickiego

  • Zbigniew Krochmal
Słowa kluczowe: sanktuarium, pielgrzym, odwiedzający, wartość, klient, zarządzanie


Contemporary Catholic shrines in addition to religious activities are also entities conducting business activities. It is required in those activities to read and produce value for the customer. Visitors to the pilgrimage centers expect from those who manage the shrines professional delivering of the derived benefits and costs born in the process of purchase and use of products and services. It has been proved by surveys undertaken in five Polish shrines which conduct wide business activities. The pilgrims accept the use of economic tools to manage the religious centre. However, the studies have shown that knowledge of the quality of business management is still not an important measure for choosing the shrine. The pilgrims, however, would like to have their donation well used by those who are in charge of the religious centre.
