Problematyka uzyskiwania osobowości prawnej w prawie polskim przez kościelne jednostki organizacyjne na przykładzie kościelnych rozgłośni radiowych i stacji telewizyjnych

  • Piotr Wiśniewski Wydział Zamiejscowy Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL w Tomaszowie Lubelskim
Słowa kluczowe: osobowość prawna, Kościoły i związki wyznaniowe, radiofonia i telewizja


In this publication there was discussed the issue of accepting the legal entity by the eccle- sial organizational unions in Poland on the example of ecclesial broadcasting ( radio and television). Only two churches that is the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church have their own broadcasting stations.

According to the regulations there are four procedures of gaining the legal status by the ecclesial organizational unions. These are: the regulation procedure, the administrative procedure by way of notification the appropriate body of public authority; the administrative procedure by way of the decree of the proper ministry of religious matters and the procedure of judicial registration (this procedure is valid only to the Catholic Church).

The result of gaining the legal status is that one ecclesial legal entity is not responsible for the commitments of the other ecclesial legal entity.

The Catholic Church has got one nationwide radio station, 42 local radio stations, that are diocesan, parish and monastic radio stations and one television station. The Orthodox Church has got one radio station.

The legal entity in the administrative procedure by the decree of the Minister of Interior and Administration have gained two Catholic radio stations and one Orthodox radio station. The legal entity in the procedure of judicial registration have also gained two radio stations and one television station. The rest stations have not made any effort to gain the legal entity.


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