Aprioryzm I. Kanta a metoda transcendentalna oraz jej rozumienie i interpretacja w neokantyzmie szkoły marburskicj (H. Cohen, P. Natorp, R. Stammler)

  • Łukasz Pikuła Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
Słowa kluczowe: metoda transcendentalna, neokantyzm, szkoła marburska


The author of the present study is particularly interested in the a priori epistemology “shown” by the German philosopher, which is the heart of the transcendental method both for Kant and for the Marburg philosophers. In the context of Stammler’s philosophy of law it is essential first of all from the point of view of the structure of the a priori concept of law that presents the fundamental issue for the study of his formal philosophy of law.


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