Z działalności Rady Opiekuńczej w powiecie przemyskim i jarosławskim

  • Ryszard Tłuczek Wydział Zamiejscowy Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL w Tomaszowie Lubelskim
Słowa kluczowe: Rada Główna Opiekuńcza, Polski Komitet Opiekuńczy


In the article – in a general outline – the organization and work are presented of the Welfare Council in the Przemyśl and Jarosław Districts during the Nazi occupation.

In February 1940 the Central Welfare Council (RGO) was established in Warsaw and it formed Town Welfare Councils (ROM) and District Welfare Councils (ROP). In July 1941 – at the authorities' order – the name was changed to Polish Welfare Committees (Pol.KO). In country gminas (communes) and in town dzielnicas (quarters) its branches were formed. In the autumn of 1942 61 committees and 1310 branches worked.

In Przemyśl – divided into two parts: the German one and Soviet one – the occupation authorities banned all the Polish charity organizations, except the Ladies’ Committee of the Polish Red Cross that worked until the end of September 1939. Like in other towns, the Polish Welfare Committee, the Ukrainian National Committee and the Jewish Council of Elders were established. In August 1941 a branch of RGO was formed in South Przemyśl, that was autonomous until it was combined with the Zasanie (a quarter of the town) branch, which happened on 12 January 1942.

Also Jarosław was divided into two zones: German and Soviet (also here the River San was the border). The Polish Welfare Committee was established on 9 November 1940.

The work of Welfare Councils in the Przemyśl and Jarosław Districts was first of all based on the subventions transferred by the RGO in Krakow and on local government subventions. Also donations from the local community members played a great role here.

The main task of both Welfare Councils was to aid the poorest people, orphans, sick ones and prisoners of war. In a short time – which should be especially emphasized – popular kitchens, school kitchens, kitchens for refugees and places where food was given out were organized. Food, clothes and coal were distributed among the most needy people. Within the efficiently working structure there were also welfare institutions for children and adults.

The work of welfare councils in the areas of the Przemyśl and Jarosław Districts deserves the most profound respect and recognition.


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