Przemoc domowa a możliwości pomocy pokrzywdzonym

  • Monika Bzowska Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Słowa kluczowe: Niebieska Karta, Ogólnopolskie Pogotowie dla Ofiar Przemocy w Rodzinie, ośrodki pomocy dla osób dotkniętych przemocą domową, Państwowa Agencja Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych (PARPA), patologia społeczna, punkt konsultacyjny dla osób w sytuacji kryzysowej i ofiar przemocy w rodzinie, rodzina z problemem alkoholowym, telefon zaufania


The domestic violence called the family violence is any kind of the deliberate behaviour connected with the taking advantage from the force predomination directed against the family member which violates the family member's rights and results in physical and psychical suffering.

The violence is a kind of pathology. Simultaneously, the domestic violence is a crime, but most of its victims are not aware of the fact that this behavior pattern is rooted in their families. They allowed to be abused as well as they permit the child abuse and treat it as normal.

The examinations conducted amongst the domestic violence victims show that the victims act unconsciously according to the stereotypes and thought schemes repeated from generation to generation. There are many forms and methods of the violence victims’ assistance, but the efficiency most of all depends on the reaction time of the adequate services and their assistance.

Therefore, the construction of the assistance net for the domestic violence victims is so crucial. The net should react in the adequate way as soon as it is possible. There must be the change in the society attitude towards the specialists helping the domestic violence victims as well as the change in the victims attitude. Only then the full success in carrying help to the domestic violence victims will be possible.


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