Społeczno-ekonomiczne warunki spędzania czasu wolnego w świetle ustawodawstwa synodów polskich
The author of the article deliberates on the problems connected with the importance of free time in the life of humans. Firstly, he presents various definitions of free time. These definitions let us observe that any free time should be exploited in an effective and wise way. Therefore, it should not be „empty”, giving a man no gains. Such a state of affairs is connected with the fact that free time fulfills a number of important functions in the life of humans. A man devoid of free time develops a negative attitude to life, which also influences other spheres of human existence. Therefore, free time should provide a place for its three primary functions: relaxation, tourism and sport. The author analyzes those aforementioned functions and presents how their influence on man’s spiritual development. Furthermore, he outlines the essence of free time in connection with the Bible and the resolutions of Polishsynods. From the presented facts, one might conclude that free time could be sacrificed to relaxation, during which a man stays close to nature and develops relations with other people.
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