Finansowanie działalności kościelnych instytucji ze środków Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego

  • Bogusław Ulijasz Wydział Zamiejscowy Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL w Tomaszowie Lubelskim
Słowa kluczowe: Unia Europejska, Programy pomocowe Unii Europejskiej, instytucje kościelne


The article discusses the use of EU support programme resources by ecclesiastical institutions. There appear to be several problems, however. At the level of programming, inadequate number of financial means have been allocated to infrastructure development, including renovation of sacral, educational and medical care buildings, but a great number of these means, on the other hand, have been allocated to so-called soft projects. However, institutions like NGOs and JST as well as organisational bodies of the Catholic are not prepared for taking advantages from these means of support. Data analysis available on the website of the Regional Development Department confirms the assumption that application procedures are very difficult and time-consuming, therefore many application forms are rejected at the beginning of formal evaluation.


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Perez I. N.. Kucharska A.. Fundusze Strukturalne i fundusz Spójności w7 Unii Europejskiej 2000-2006. Wrocław' 2002.
