Segmentacja behawioralna rynku napojów bezalkoholowych z zastosowaniem wielowymiarowej analizy skupień

  • Elżbieta Wolanin-Jarosz WZNPiE KUL w Tomaszowie Lubelskim
Słowa kluczowe: segmentacja, wielowymiarowa analiza skupień, programy statystyczne, napoje bezalkoholowe


The purpose of this study is to discuss the process of segmentation of market selling non-alkoholoc drinks. The selection of certain segments of this market was carried out on the ground behaviour criteria such as consumers preferences regarding marks of products, the factors connected with a choice of certain marks of product and consumers expectations regarding features of products.

A special attention was drawn to the presentation of the research method used in the procedure of segmentation cluster analysis, available in a package of statistic programmes called STATISTICA 6.0. It showed a graphic presentation of three – dimensional structures presented in a form of special trees with a certain number of branches on particular levels of affinity.

The basic empirical material was based on the results of the fest which was performed among 490 adults from Małopolska region. A direct survey was carried out in order to gather the whole information.


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