Prawo dziecka przebywającego poza domem do praktyk i posług religijnych

  • Marek Bielecki WPPKiA KUL w Tomaszowie Lubelskim
Słowa kluczowe: wolność religijna, dziecko, gwarancje, Kościół, związek wyznaniowy


The subject of the foregoing considerations is the rights of a child staying beyond a family to churchgoing which expresses the right to benefiting from the religious freedom. The guarantees are included in international documents as in the Polish law. They mainly come from the child's membership of a particular church or a religious group with regulated law position. The fact of staying beyond home comes from various circumstances, like illness, recreation or law breaking. However, independently from the reasons of staying beyond home, the range of the guarantees is similar.


Misztal H.: Polskie prawo wyznaniowe. Zagadnienia wstępne. Rys historyczny, Lublin 1996.

Mezglewski A., Misztal H., Stanisz P.: Prawo wyznaniowe, Warszawa 2006.
