Teologia i etyka a transhumanizm

  • Sławomir Nowosad Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: transhumanizm; posthumanizm; teologia; etyka; biotechnologia; ulepszanie


Contemporary transformation and disintegration of man is manifested in many ways. One of the most compelling is transhumanism understood as a philosophy (ideology) based on a conviction that man can be enhanced using technological means. It is the modem progress of science and technology, particularly biotechnology, that for transhumanists makes the pursuit for human enhancement necessary. Thus, human beings are perceived as a transitional species in human history leading to the posthuman future when posthumans will become resistant to disease, to aging etc. From the Christian theological perspective transhumanism is criticized as a project entirely secular, promising a happy life and "ageless bodies” on earth. Not fewer criticisms come from the ethical perspective. In the posthuman world ethics seems to be entirely relativized and even disintegrated due to its subordination to utilitarianism and eugenic purposes. What is particularly troubling is the idea that "the genetically enhanced will take advantage of the unenhanced”. The whole transhumanist ideology is the concept in which the giftedness of human life is fundamentally denied and man aspires to be self-sufficient and in control of his future. Transcendence is entirely rejected and replaced by biotechnological future.


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