A Personalist Conception of the Economic Morality as Proposed by Benedict XVI and John Paul II in the Context of Contemporary Economic Crisis
Among the many causes of the economic and financial crisis that has marred the world for some years now, there is one that is perhaps the most prominent. This is a moral cause. The context of the crisis shows that it is not enough to just argue for economic morality as such. An urgent answer is needed to the question of what direct ethical solutions can inform the socio-economic thought so that they can add to a more humane shape of the economic life of the world.
Drawing upon the social teaching of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, the author of the paper explores the personalistic conception of economic morality, as the most adequate answer to the problems of contemporary economy. The first section discusses the most important elements of the moral criticism, concerning the causes of contemporary crisis, so well visible in the frequent financial scandals. The second section uses Benedict XVI's encyclical Caritas in veritate to present the personalistic, holistic conception of economic morality. Finally, the main assumptions of the entrepreneurship ethics were exhibited as based on the teaching of John Paul II.
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