The pluralistic model of truth
On the grounds of the analysis made by the author of the elaboration one can notice a strong tendency to the relativisation of truth performing in the context of the pluralist theology of religion. Representatives of the aforementioned trend want to question the objective character of truth. Such actions are aimed at leading to the statement that all religions are equally exceptional. To clearly understand the theses of pluralists, philosophical foundations of the pluralist theology of religion have been depicted. It must be stated that pluralists use philosophical notions selectively and instrumentally, which makes it possible to reach desirable conclusions.
The contestation of the absolute and objective character of truth has serious consequences and exerts an influence upon the understanding of interreligious dialogue. The problem of resignation from one's own religious identity appears. Defending themselves against such an accusation, pluralists introduce the concept of orthopraxis as the criterion of truth. Consequently, the determinant of truth is its ability to realize itself in the proper demeanour. Views presented in the pluralist theology of religion constitute a serious reproach to Christian truth as well as biblical truth.
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