The Teaching on Marriage in the Protestant Catechism for Adults

  • Piotr Jaskóła University of Opole
Keywords: marriage; mixted marriages; Catechism; evangelical; divorce


Evangelischer Erwachsener Katechismus (“The Protestant Catechism for Adults”) considers marriage in the six points: (1) civil marriage and church marriage, (2) what marriage is?, (3) what does refer to the marriage?, (4) what kind of marriage does exist?, (5) a divorce, (6) mixted marriages. The “Catechism” acknowledges in the very beginning, that the institution of marriage refers to all nations and religions and from the law’s perspective has been driven by different rules and orders. According to the Bible, marriage has been rooted in the act and the order of creation. Human beings were created as man and woman. A reciprocal relationship written in the very nature of man and woman let to recognise that married state and its binding character had been created by God himself.


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