Orthodox Commentary on the Culture of Christian Indifference in the Modern Society

  • Nicu Dumitraşcu University of Oradea
Keywords: Secularism; Moral Crisis; Cappadocian Fathers; Patristics; Modernity; Indifference; Orthodoxy


This article examines the moral crisis facing contemporary society with the alienation of European political thought from Christian values; a dictatorship of indifference which is paralleled in the struggles of the Cappadocian Fathers, faced with religious factionalism. Although St Basil and St Athanasius responded to religious matters, political exigency is revealed by the careers of Eusebius of Caesarea and Eusebius of Nicomedia. Similarly, modern religious leaders often fail to address political issues. The Church today requires a unity of faith and needs renewal rather than modernization. Orthodoxy requires greater transparency in accommodating the ethical norms of the Holy Fathers and faces challenges in its organization of pan-Orthodox structures.
