Moral Issues in Synodal Documents of Evangelic Churches in Poland

  • Marcin Hintz
Keywords: Protestant ethics; Lutheran synod; political ethics; bioethics; ecumenical ethics


In this article, the ethical documents of the synods of the Protestant churches in Poland from the last 20 years have been presented. These statements of the church are the ethical and pastoral answers to the situation after the political change. It has accentuated the role of ethics in the questioning and existence of today's churches. In the tradition of the Evangelical-Lutheran (Augsburg Confession) Church in Poland, the Synod has the special function in formulating the official statements.

After the political change in 1989, the Evangelical Church also tried to bring its ethical positions into the general discussion. Among the most important documents are the statements of the churches on the abortion debate and on the issue of Polish accession to the EU. These documents, however, were hardly taken into consideration by the wider social public. The draftsman emphasizes that in the Austrian or Czech context such ethical statements were formulated in the ecumenical conversation. This experience should be taken on the Polish ecclesiastical grounds.


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